Virtual Code-laboration TidyTuesday (RSVP Link in Description)


Want to come code and learn with us? For June’s NYC R-ladies meetup, we are planning a #TidyTuesday code-laboration event! This event will be held online via Zoom. Please register via the Google Form below:

The zoom link will be emailed ONLY to those who register in advance via the form above the morning of the event.

We ask participants to pick a TidyTuesday dataset from the month of May or June and create (or attempt to create!) a visualization of the dataset before the meetup. At the meetup, participants will have the opportunity to:

Share something you learned in making the TidyTuesday

  • Did you learn a new function in the process?
  • Did you discover a new package?
  • Did you learn something new with the data you explored?

Share your process or tips for making the TidyTuesday

  • What TidyTuesday tips do you have?

Share something you struggled with

  • What is a barrier you ran into while trying to create your TidyTuesday? We will work together to answer questions people ran into

Share your visualization!

  • We will showcase the visualizations and works-in-progress we made with each other!

Even if you don’t have time to work on a #TidyTuesday before the meetup, we hope you will still join us to collaboratively learn and code with each other!

What is #TidyTuesday?

TidyTuesday is a weekly social data project hosted by the R for Data Science community. Every Tuesday a new dataset is posted, and everyone is invited to explore and visualize the data. “The intent of Tidy Tuesday is to provide a safe and supportive forum for individuals to practice their wrangling and data visualization skills” (TidyTuesday repository on GitHub

How can I see what other people have created?

People will often post their final TidyTuesday creations on twitter with the #TidyTuesday hashtag.

R-Ladies is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Please take a moment to review the R-Ladies Global code of conduct (particularly if this is your first time attending!):

For questions regarding accessibility, please email us at

Meetup page
