R-Ladies NYC Lightning Talks (Prep and Submission Workshop)


We are excited to host an online version of one our most popular events this fall - R-Ladies NYC Lightning Talks! We are extending the submission deadline, and are holding this workshop to provide guidance and support for interested speakers. If you are interested in proposing a talk but want to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, or some encouragement, join us!

— Talk Abstract —

Lighting talks are five minute talks. You can talk about anything R, Tech, and/or Data Science related. Looking for ideas? How about talking about a cool package you found, how you use R in your company, a favorite learning resource, your journey into Data Science, or a side project you’ve been working on?

We would especially love to hear from people who’ve never presented at a meetup or conference before and/or those who still don’t feel confident speaking publicly. A lightning talk can be a great way to start out speaking, as it’s quick, low-prep, and fun!

To celebrate the diversity in the R Community, we’re prioritizing presenters who identify as a minority gender (including but not limited to cis/trans women, trans men, non-binary, genderqueer, agender).

Revised Important Dates Submissions due: Friday 101 Notification of acceptance: Sunday 104 Accepted speakers confirm participation: Wednesday 106 Slides due to us: Sunday 1017 Lightning Talk Event: 1019

Meetup page
