Workshop An Introduction to Working with Geospatial Data in R


For our February Meetup, we welcome R-Ladies NYC board member Ayanthi Gunawardana, who will teaching a workshop titled “An Introduction to Working with Geospatial Data in R.” She will show participants how to import, process, and map geospatial data in R. Ayanthi will also introduce some basic geospatial concepts, different file formats, and best practices in creating maps. She will primarily be working with the sf package for processing the geospatial data, and ggplot2 for plotting the data.

RSVP for this workshop is via Google Form:

Course materials will be available on Ayanthi’s GitHub the day before the workshop:

Agenda (tentative): I. Basic geospatial concepts and files - Projections and coordinate systems - File formats for storing geospatial data - Common data sources for geospatial data II. Downloading and Importing geospatial data in to R - Data processing for different file types III. Presenting the Data - Accurately presenting geospatial data - Creating static maps for presentations (ggplot2) - Creating dynamic maps for exploratory purposes (tmap)

Instructor Biography: Ayanthi has worked at the intersection of data and transportation for 6 years and has an academic background in city planning. She has been working with geospatial data for several years and has spent the past few years translating traditional geospatial practices to R.

R-Ladies is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Please take a moment to review the R-Ladies Global code of conduct (particularly if this is your first time attending!):

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