R-Ladies Code-llaboration Hangout

We’ll kick off the year with a hands-on working session where we’ll work together on our own projects or tutorials.

Come in curious about a subject or looking to make progress on a project you’re working on!

We’ll divide ourselves into groups who’ll be working on similar topics, and we’ll have prompts and tutorials at hand for those who don’t have a particular project in mind.

We believe that by collaborating with other R-Ladies who share your curiosity you’ll get much further than you would at home with google, and that even if you don’t have a set goal you’ll learn through sharing and receiving tips and tricks.

All experience levels welcome!

We’ll have five groups, for those working on projects related to: 1. Making your website with R and blogdown 2. Building a package 3. Tidy Tuesday 4. Forecasting with time series data 5. Everything else!

Thank you to AT&T for hosting us and the R Conference and Lander Analytics for sponsoring pizza.

Meetup event
