For our March event, Dr. Connie Brett, the CEO, founder, & principal data scientist of Aggregate Genius, Inc. will talk to us about the Periscope package and enterprise-level Shiny apps!
This event will be hosted over Zoom, and the link will be available on this Meetup page at noon on the day of the event.
Agenda (times approximate): 6:05 - 6:10 pm: R-Ladies NYC Announcements 6:10 + : Connie’s talk on periscope with time for Q&A
— Talk Abstract —
“Focus on Content: Create Enterprise-Worthy Shiny Applications with Periscope” Speaker: Dr. Connie Brett
Abstract: The periscope R package is a framework that you can use to significantly speed up your shiny development – whether you are just writing your first collaborative application or taking on a bigger project that will be deployed to many users. Periscope can significantly “up” your Shiny game by jump-starting development in a way that is flexible and robust. This lets you focus on the content of your application, as opposed to the mechanics (and those insidious pitfalls!) of building a shiny application for multiple users.
Bio: Dr. Connie Brett is the CEO, Founder, and Principal Data Scientist of Aggregate Genius Inc. located in BC, Canada. She is experienced in using many types of models and algorithms as well as architecting cutting-edge big-data analytics-integrated platforms. She has submitted publications and patents; contributes to and maintains R packages and frameworks (such as periscope) in the open-source community; and attends and speaks at industry events. With over 20 years spent focusing on producing solid analytical models, software and visualization tools – as well as custom IT solutions architecture – she continues to carry forward her passion for helping clients realize true business insights from analytics.